Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 30 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 54 Today's Topics: Anti-flamewar proposal. Atarians! Where Are You?! Crack Art English Docs Dungeon Master, once again FWP2MSW converter? HD-floppy drive (1.44 MB) and Atari ST HELP needed (UNIX arc,zoo.lharc : gdb : ST as typewriter) Mail sites. MINT ??? Pagestream and Postscript pcditto software on a TT? Some peoples kids Sources BackupST Sozobug 1.33i (2 msgs) UNIXMODE unnkullian adventure questions Upgrade Questions VORTEX ATonce 386SX for MSTE's Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 28 Jan 92 22:41:21 GMT From: noao!asuvax!gatech!!!zaphod.mps.ohi!!!ysub!psuvm!cunyvm!ndsuvm1!mtus5!jjmcwil (Jeff McWilliams) Subject: Anti-flamewar proposal. To: Some people have been debating whether TOS in ROM is a good idea or not. The pros are that it is instantly bootable, you never have to wait minutes for it to load from disk. The cons are that it is expensive and sometimes awkward (at best!) to upgrade the ROM chips. Well, why not use EEPROMS instead? In the long run, it certainly would be cheaper than constantly buying new ROM sets, especially for the user. To upgrade, all you would need is a special program that updates the EEPROM to the new TOS, and away you go. No muss, no fuss. You get the best of both worlds, fast TOS loading time, and easy upgradeability. Jeff McWilliams JJMCWILL@MTUS5.CTS.MTU.EDU GEnie: J.MCWILLIAM3 "Atari 8-bit die hards never run out of power" ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 12:23:04 GMT From:!NewsServ! (Ewald Seibert) Subject: Atarians! Where Are You?! To: open In article <>, (William Thomas Daugustine) writes: |> [ ... ] |> Youve got to admit, the Amiga has some things I wish the ST had. |> Ive a friend whos got a 2000, with 37mb of RAM. Wish I could get ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |> that out of my STe... (maybe with a TT, you could, but TT fast |> RAM is expensive) |> |> And dont forget, most of the people who purchased Atari STs |> purchased them of their own free will... |> |> Billy D'Augustine You don't get this with a A2000 built by CBM. Why ? Commodore still uses an THOMSON MC68000 havin only 24 adresspins giving 16MB of liear adresses for RAM,ROM and hardware. With the MEGA STE you get the same possibilities: 4 MB with SIMMs 10 MB on the VME-Bus 2 MB for ROM and hardware With a new processor in your machine (A3000, TT, SST-Board, TURBO30, ...) you can try to face the next frontier (4GB) remember: Don't compare APPLEs with PEANUTs ============================================================================== ist Ewald Seibert, Rheinbergerstr.1 8070 Ingolstadt, 0841-86480 Dont't blame ATARI for things, the GURU told you from the ARABIAN NIGHTS (* ============================================================================== (* = Maerchen aus 1001 Nacht ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1992 12:37:05 PST From: Subject: Crack Art English Docs To: Hi out there. There is a program in the archives called GER2ENG.LZH This program does a pretty good job of converting German to English. I used it on the crack art and it converts enough text so you can figure out the program. Give it a try, Bob ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 14:15:32 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!sersun1! (Oke S) Subject: Dungeon Master, once again To: In article <> writes: > I haven't played Dungeon Master that much (lack of time and I've only played > it at my friend's place) but how many levels are there in total? I've only > reached about the fourth and I think I've heard of a seventh and possibly (?) > a twelfth. > > Chris. There are 14 levels in Dungeon Master, counting the one you start on (some people don't, since there are no puzzles or monsters on this level). You have to go down to level 12, back up to level 7, down again to 14, and up to 13 where you finish the game. Simon. -- #### ### ## ## #### ## # email: # # # # # # # # ## # #### # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # ## #### ### # # #### # # Reincarnation: life sucks, then you die. Then life sucks again. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jan 92 14:32 MET From: "Rudolf E. van der Plaats" Subject: FWP2MSW converter? To: I have seen programs converting First Word Plus-files to - Postscript, - Word Perfect - Tex but *not* to MSWord. Does anyone know of a First Word Plus-to-MSWord converter? Rudolf van der Plaats. e-mail: ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 12:51:40 GMT From:!NewsServ! (Andreas Liebscher) Subject: HD-floppy drive (1.44 MB) and Atari ST To: Hi Atari Users, I have got a question: Several weeks ago I bought the HD-Kit from Hard&Soft A.Herberg and the TEAC FD 235 HF floppy drive (also from Hard&Soft). Calling Hard&Soft they said the controller VL1772-02PC in my MEGA ST is ok, but it doesn't work at all (grumble :( ). So I changed it to the WD 1772 PH 02-02. Now the HD mode runs for several minutes, but it stops as soon as the computer has 'warmed up'. Who has any experience with HD-Kits and floppy controllers? Who has the same or similar problems and isn't satisfied with his HD-Kit? Thanks for any information and help. Andreas. ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 16:59:14 GMT From: mcsun!corton!laas! (Ralph P. Sobek) Subject: HELP needed (UNIX arc,zoo.lharc : gdb : ST as typewriter) To: I have now uploaded to atari.archive Unix versions of the following: zoo 2.10 arc 5.21 and 2 versions of lharc. These have all passed through the USENET News. Lharc.orig.tar.Z is a patched version of lharc which handles correctly zero length files. Maybe Howard Chu could also post his latest version of arc 5.21e. Cheers, -- Ralph P. Sobek Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own. Addresses are ordered by importance. ralph@laas.uucp, or ...!uunet!laas!ralph If all else fails, try: sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU Phone: (+33-)61-33-62-66 FAX-1: (+33-)61-33-64-55 FAX-2: (+33-)61-55-35-77 =============================================================================== Got a Mega 4 ST. Wish it was a Mega STe? :-| Do I *really* want a TT/Next? ;%# ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jan 92 01:54:35 GMT From:!!!!swrinde!zaphod.mps.!samsung!nstar!towers!grafted! (anthony lewis) Subject: Mail sites. To: Hi all, I am shure this has been asked before, but does anyone have a listing of mail sites for Atari files ( actually pc and unix would be nice too.... ). I have limited access to Internet,and wuold love to get files at home too! BTW, can we all quit the Amiga/.PC/ etc bashing? All it proves is that you are closed minded and inconsiderate.....( but I do like my ( presently dead ) ST the best ). Thanks..... Ziggy. -- anthony lewis The Grafted Branch BBS 317-881-4369 internet: ziggy@grafted.UUCP uucp: ..!uunet!grafted.UUCP!ziggy -= newsfeeds available, contact =- ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 13:55:06 GMT From: email!! Subject: MINT ??? To: In article <>, (Torsten Scherer) writes: > > I`ve heard a lot abount MINT yet, perhaps the most important is that is >a multitasting system and you can get the source codes. There is just >one question left: Where can I get it and how much does it cost? Or is it >some kinda public domain or shareware??? > > TeSche >-- It's available for anonymous ftp'ing on many sites, try they have the lates version (0.92)... Marinos Yannikos TU Vienna ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1992 08:43 EST From: Subject: Pagestream and Postscript To: After discussing the matter with SoftLogik, it appears that my files will not print on my HPLJ II with a Pacific Page PS cartridge because I do not have enough memory in the LJ (2.5 megs). Looks like I'll need more memory. Damn, if only I could have an SLM605 like I have on my personal system at home. I have said this on the net MANY times before. Nothing can match the speed of Atari DTP when the SLM605 or 804's are in the loop (especially when running Calamus). BTW, I'll be getting the Calamus SL upgrade from 1.09N for $229 CDN. Looking forward to it. ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 08:15:51 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!slxsys!ibmpcug!demon! (Keith Sommerville) Subject: pcditto software on a TT? To: "PC-Ditto(s/w) and the TT" Nope, it doesnt even begin to work, sadly. ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jan 92 17:19:24 GMT From: van-bc!! (John Henders) Subject: Some peoples kids To: In <>, Carter Gregory writes: >In article <1992Jan25.023310.18621@news.Hawaii.Edu> jimmy@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jimmy Chan) writes: >>In article <> (William Thomas Daugustine) writes: >>> >>>If you are an Atari ST user, and have no desire to move to an Amiga >>>quit out of this. >> >>{Other dribble deleted for brevity} >> >>What does owning an Atari ST have to do with being able to read >> I don't recall owning something was a prerequisite >>for reading a newsgroup. Anyone with an interest in reading about Atari STs >>are entitled to join in. If you want to keep out unwanted posts in >>a newsgroup I would suggest having the newgroup moderated but until then >>anyone is entitled to read and post news though this does not forgive >>those who only enjoy flame-baiting and those who have to use derogatory >>remarks to get there points across. > >I totally agree with Jimbo here..of course I have radical ideas about >information and people but... > >Any inherent restriction, placed on a group on the rn reader on the internet >is extremely DANGEROUS in my view. That includes any restrictions based on >content. > Neither of you guys must stray far beyond the comp.sys.* groups, I guess. Like say to news.announce.newusers, for a start . There are a few monthly postings there that provide some basic guidelines on how to interact with the usenet community. Now, one of the conventions generally followed is that dropping "flame bait" into newsfroups whose charters don't encourage such behaviour is childish, and reflects what is commonly considered a "BBS" mentality. This cyclical dropping in by some amiga user to start a flame war has caused anyone who knows how to use theis newsreader to kill all postings that mention the word amiga. Strangely, enough, Amiga users tell me this same phenomenon does not occur in the amiga groups. A few users make the whole community look bad. -- John Henders Vancouver,BC or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 10:25:55 GMT From: mcsun!sun4nl!alchemy!prisma! (Fred Appelman) Subject: Sources BackupST To: Hello BackupST users. Some of you have asked me to send the sources of BackupST. As you all know I don't have an Atari ST anymore, but that doesn't mean I am no longer interested in the direction BackupST is turning. I would like to keep the development of the sources more or less organized. Nobody is pleased by having multiple incompatible versions of the same program on the net. That's the reason why I have setup a mailing list to help organizing this. Everybody who aksed for the sources have been put on the mailing list. I have send mail to the mailing list, so if you asked for the sources but didn't receive mail from the mailing list, let me iknow. Requests to be put (or removed) on (from) the mailing list can be send to backupst-request, and your name will be added (removed) to (from) the list. I will distribute the source via this mailing list. What I would like to see is that all your contributions, bugfixes etc. are send via this mailling list. From time to time, we should come up with a new release etc, and distribute the binaries via the net. Technically I am not forbidding you to do as you please. The sources will be send under the GNU general public license, so nobody will have any commercial gain from them. Fred ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 14:38:02 GMT From:!!!usc!wupost!!!lapi! Subject: Sozobug 1.33i To: In article <>, (David Brooks) writes: > I had no trouble on a 520, TOS 1.0, double-sided floppy. Had to de-install > in pieces, though; I don't think there's room on one floppy for all the > .PDF files and their progeny. The 1.33i installation to double-sided floppy disks requires two disks. The first disk holds the binary distribution (ie the programs, the include files and the libraries), the second disk holds the documentation and example programs. The documentation in the distribution tells you how to go about doing this. Incidentally, if you put source code on a RAM disk (and remember to back it off to floppy afterwards!), the program works fine on a 1 meg system with a single floppy drive. -- David Paschall-Zimbel "The most important fact about Spaceship Earth: An instruction book didn't come with it." -- R. Buckminster Fuller ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jan 92 17:21:50 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!warwick!nott-cs!! (Mohammad A. Rahin) Subject: Sozobug 1.33i To: >In article <> (Mark Lehmann) writes: >I was not able to get Sozobon 1.33i "Heat and Serve" to install on my >1040ST with TOS 1.0 and 2.5MG. When I get part way through the > . > . > . >Is the "Heat and Serve" intended to work only with a certain level of >TOS? Has anyone installed it succesfully on a 1040ST with TOS 1.0 and >2.5MG or less of memory? If so, will you send the SOZO133I.ZOO file to >the atari archive? > I installed it on my 520STFM with TOS 1.0, 2 floppies & 1 Meg memory. The installation procedure really went very smoothly & I did not have any problem. However, one thing I noticed was that the example programs after compilation & run occassionally freezes the machine. The mouse works ok, but none of the menus or buttons (in the example program that showes the GEM capability) can be activated. Could be that this program (& MINCOLOR as well) is having a compatibilty problem with my AUTO programs or DAs. I have to check on that. The GEMENV.PRG that came with this package is quite large & took comparatively large amount of memory. I substituted this with ENVIRON.PRG (from the showdvi package). The latter is much smaller in size & saved me about 30k of memory, when checked with FREERAM DA. >Thanks a bunch (especially to Steve Yellington, who always seems to have >useful comments about everything) >Mark Lehmann >!n160ao Thanks a lot to Ian Lepore for giving us this version. - ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 05:04:44 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!usc!rpi!!helios!!! (Eric Smith) Subject: UNIXMODE To: In article <>, (Thomas Franken) writes: > First of all thank you for the quick respond to my request on my problems > concerning UNIXMODE and MiNT. You're welcome. > Secondly I have some questions on the Minix file-system: > - Is it true that the filename-length is restricted to 14 chars? For strict compatibility with Minix, yes. If you don't care about this, newer versions of mfs provide the option of formatting the disk to understand longer file names (e.g. 30 characters). > - Is the contens of mfs0541.zoo from aa suitable to the effort > of creating a Minix-like file-system and Yes, I think so. > - if it is suitable, do I need any additional sources for this purpose? No, although I would certainly recommend that you have a copy of the MiNT source code if you want to modify the minix fs source code. > Finally, if I try to write an appropriate file-system on my own, would it be > sensible to use the file `tosfs.c' from the MINIX sources as an idea and > basement to extract and modify in order to supply an alternative, UNIXMODE-able > file system? Yes, I think so. In fact, the easiest thing to do would probably be to modify tosfs.c and re-compile MiNT to always provide built-in UNIXMODE. (Of course, if you're *really* ambitious you might want to re-write the TOS file system entirely, e.g. by getting rid of all calls to GEMDOS and reading the disk directly -- this would provide better speed and more flexibility, as well as eliminating things like the 40 folder bug. Such a project would be quite difficult, needless to say :-). -- Eric R. Smith email: Dept. of Mathematics University of Western Ontario 7103_2622@uwovax.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 14:03:16 GMT From: email!! Subject: unnkullian adventure questions To: In article <>, (Frans Meulenbroeks) writes: >Hi, > >I've started playing unnkullian adventure on my ST last weekend. >Getting started was pretty simple, but now it seems that I'm stuck. >I have 67 points (out of 400). >I think I've been on all places before the guardian, and on most places >I could do something. I also obtained a lot of stuff. > >On the next screen are some questions. They may contain spoilers, so if >you are not that far in the game you may probably not want to read >further! > >Main problem is how to pass the guardian. Probably I do not have all the >stuff (or it needs a trick I haven't mastered). I think I've been to all >places and retrieved everything. >I've also some smaller potential problems: >- I cannot operate the machine yet. I suspect I do not have the needed > resources. >- I've done nothing at the lake view room >- I could not descend the cliff by going west. A fatal fall is the result >- I haven't done anything with the patrons in the cliff. >- I cannot pass beyond the inn. I suppose this is impossible. >- I cannot post the card. If I drop it in the birds nest nothing > happens. And I want to try to catch that bird :-) >- I could not retrieve the rasberries. > >I don't think there are other potential puzzles before the guardian >which I haven't mastered. If anyone has a hint, please let me know. >I do not have a need for spoilers yet. > I have also started playing a few days ago, but at least I can tell you how to pass the guardian. If you examine him, you are told that he is some kind of heat-seeking, so why don't you approach him to make him angry, (go south), then drop the warm lamp, and run away to the nw... then he will be gone!! Marinos Yannikos TU Vienna ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jan 92 10:07:18 EST From: Brian Jepson Subject: Upgrade Questions To: INFO-ATARI16 Hallo. I have an ST with just what it came with, one meg, TOS 1.2, and a floppy. What *affordable* options does a college student have in the way of obtaining a newer TOS, a good (but small) hard drive, and/or more memory. If there are any vendors you recommend, please let me know. Thanks advancely, Brian Jepson IBY223@URIACC.URI.EDU ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 11:21:26 GMT From: mcsun!!sunic!!! (Stig Vidar Hovland) Subject: VORTEX ATonce 386SX for MSTE's To: In article <>, (Torsten Scherer) writes: > In article <..>, stigvi@Lise.Unit.NO (Stig Vidar Hovland) writes: > > |> In article <...>, (me) writes: > |> > > |> > Some facts : > |> > > |> > - 32 bit CPU 80C386SX-16MHz > |> > |> This must be wrong. Isn't the 80386SX a 16 bit processor as the same way the 68000 is. > |> > |> Stig Vidar Hovland - > > That's not perfectly right. The 386SX is a 32bit processor, but unlike the > "normal" 386 is has only got a 16bit wide external bus. Internally it's got > 32bit registers, just the same way as the 68000. If there's any software > which really uses these 32bit is another question... > > TeSche > -- > this perversion of alphanumerical characters was created by > torsten scherer, universitaet bielefeld, germany > just experimenting with the .signatur file a bit... But as the 80386SX have a 16bit databus, it is indeed a 16 bit processor. The same way the M6809 and 8088 are 8 bit processors, the M68000 a 16bit and the M68020 a 32 bit processor. If this practice is not followed, you can say that the M6800 is a 8 bit processor and the M6801 a 16 bit even they are almost identical. Stig Vidar Hovland - ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************